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Thursday, February 9, 2012

SuperBowl Sunday = PuppyBowl Sunday

Thanks to the Animal Planet network,  the past 8 years of Superbowl Sundays have equaled Puppybowl Sundays for me.  As an animal lover, it's a day that I eagerly anticipate every year. AP was really bringing it this year. Not only did they give us the Puppybowl and the Kitty Cat half time show, they also had hamsters manning the IceBreakers Blimp, piglets as a cheering squad, and Meeps, the bird, tweeting the action real time on Twitter. Kudos go out to all of AP's efforts to make Superbowl Sunday enjoyable for all pet loving fans. From an event that brings me so much joy, my only complaint comes from naming the Puppybowl MVP. Yes, Fumble made some great plays, but Aberdeen won the hearts of all viewers. Below, is Fumble in all his puppydog cuteness, and Aberdeen proving his worthiness of the unofficial Puppybowl MVP.

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