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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Talking Birds Really Freak Me Out

When I was younger, I dated a guy named Jerry. Jerry Balls. Thank god young love did not prevail, or otherwise I might be known today as Brenda Balls.  That's a heck of a surname, and I can't help but to think that I really dodged a bullet when that relationship ended without marriage.
When I was dating Jerry, we went to his friend's apartment for dinner and a movie, and this friend had parrots. Talking parrots. If you know me personally, you know that I hate my voice. I can't stand it, and will not even record on my own voicemail. So you can imagine my dismay when those fricking parrots mimicked my voice perfectly, and repeatedly, for hours that night. Those parrots tortured me. They knew I did not want to be mimicked, and they continued to mimic the hell out of me. Evil birds. From that experience on, I have both been scared the hell to hell of these creatures and equally amazed by their intelligence. I may not like their gift of gab when it applies to me, but I do find them to be incredible animals and pets.
Above are two Amazon Parrots having a conversation. They are so fast talking that I have no clue to what they are saying. The fact that they seem to be equal participants in their conversation is what amazes me about this video.  You can see these birds, and more like them, at Parrot Mountain in Gatlinburg, Tn. 

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